The OUS Rule (Major)

This Rule applies to those words in English that end with the letters


To translate them into Spanish, we will substitute the ending with


As an example, the English word gaseous is the Spanish word gaseoso.
(Remember to pronounce all the Spanish vowels!)
Here are some Examples

The OUS Rule

English Spanish Helpful Reminders
...ous ...oso
Albuminous Albuminoso
Amorous Amoroso
Asperous Asperoso
Auspicious Auspicioso
Billious Bilioso only 1 l
Bulbous Bulboso
Cadaverous Cadaveroso
Callous Calloso quirk #3
Capacious Capacioso
Capcious Capcioso
Curious Curioso
Deciduous Deciduoso
Delicious Delicioso
Estrous Estroso
Factuous Factuoso
Fallacious Falacioso only 1 L
Fastidious Fastidioso
Fastuous Fastuoso
Fibromatous Fibromatoso
Fibrous Fibroso
Generous Generoso quirk #12
Glacious Glacioso
Glamorous Glamoroso
Glorious Glorioso
Glutinous Glutinoso
Gracious Gracioso in Sp. means "funny"
Harmonious Armonioso no H
Imperious Imperioso
Laborious Laborioso
Leprous Leproso
Luminous Luminoso
Monstrous Monstruoso include U
Mellodious Melodioso only 1 L
Nitrous Nitroso
Pompous Pomposo
Porous Poroso
Precious Precioso
Pretencious Pretencioso
Querulous Queruloso quirk #7
Religious Religioso
Repeticious Repeticioso
Rigorous Riguroso U for O
Scandalous Escandaloso quirk #6
Spacious Espacioso quirk #6
Sulphurous Sulfuroso quirk #5
Tendencious Tendencioso
Tortuous Tortuoso
Tremulous Tremuloso
Vaporous Vaporoso
Vicious Vicioso
Virtuous Virtuoso
Virulous Viruloso

Some exceptions:

English Spanish Helpful Reminders
Capricious Caprichoso
Ferocious Feroz
Odorous Oloroso
Pious Piadoso
Tenacious Tenaz
Tremendous Tremendo
Voracious Voraz

English words ending with ...tious can be translated to Spanish by substinting the ending with ...cioso. As an example, the English word ambitious is the Spanish word ambicioso.

The English endings ...tious and ...cious both sound the same. They both have an "S" sound. English can be very complicated. Perhaps the real complexity in learning Spanish is understanding how to uncomplicate English!
In Chapter One we learned that double consonants are not used in Spanish, with the exception of the C and the R. Also, we have seen that Spanish does not have tricky letter combinations like KN, or PH!

Here is a reminder of what isn't allowed in Spanish.
In Spanish, we have learned, the "T" always sounds like a "T", which is true for all of the consonants. Each letter sounds like what it is!
Inasmuch as the ...tious in English sounds like an "S", the Spanish translation (...cioso) keeps it that way!